Seven One Planet Summits, 45 initiatives and coalitions, 140 countries involved 

  • Following the first One Planet Summit, in Paris in December 2017, six editions were organized : New York (September 2018), Nairobi (March 2019), Paris (January 2021), Brest (February 2022), Libreville (March 2023) and Paris (November 2023)
  • The momentum provided by One Planet has seen 45 coalitions and highly practical initiatives developed or scaled up. Tangible results have already been achieved.
  • More than 140 countries are directly involved in One Planet coalitions to accelerate the ecological transition on all continents. 

Companies and financial operators are adjusting their policies to protect the planet. 

  • Since 2017, an increasing number of economic actors have made a tangible and measurable commitment to reducing their climate impact and protecting the planet. The initiatives launched by the OPS have played an important role in this global movement.
  • Twice as many financial operators are involved in initiatives supported by the OPS. The Network for the Greening the Financial System (NGFS) now brings together 95 central banks and supervisors from jurisdictions representing 85% of global GDP. Some 2300 organizations support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), including 800 financial firms representing a total of 175 000 billion$ in assets in management.
  • The Climate Action 100+ campaign brings together 615 investors, with $55,000 billion in assets under management, to engage with the 160 most polluting companies to review their business models to address climate risks. The One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund initiative brings together 14 sovereign wealth funds, representing nearly a third of the global capitalization of this category.
  • 125 multinational companies have committed to act in favour of biodiversity and to transform their production processes and value chains. The 27 members of the One Planet Business and Biodiversity coalition are working on nearly 90 wide-ranging goals and plan to invest over $9.5 billion in ecosystem restoration and agro-ecology.
One Planet Summits
initiatives and coalitions
countries committed in One Panet coalitions
researchers implementing over 390 research projects
public-private partnerships with a view to raising more than $2 billion

Unlocking resources for the ecological transition in developing countries

  • OPS has supported the set-up of 5 public-private partnerships raising more than $2 billion to fund the transition in developing countries (to date, $650  million has been made available). In addition, there are two initiatives to accelerate the mobilization of public and private financing on major issues: the energy transition (International Solar Alliance) and agro-ecology in the Sahel (Great Green Wall Accelerator).
  • The 26 public development banks of the IDFC (International Development Finance Club) network and 8 multilateral development banks have committed to invest by 2025 more than 200 billion dollars each year for climate action. In November 2020, at the Finance in Common summit, the principle of alignment with the Paris Agreement targets was endorsed by 450 public development banks.
  • The initiatives supported within the framework of One Planet contribute to research in favor of the ecological transition, particularly in developing countries. Nearly €500 million has been invested, enabling 390 tangible research projects carried out by over 3,800 researchers throughout the world.

Accelerating the mobilization for biodiversity

  • The One Planet Summit for Biodiversity on 11 January 2021 was an opportunity to increase the ambition of the international community for protecting nature and implementing nature-based solutions for the ecological transition. As of April 2021, more than 60 countries joining the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People called for a global commitment to protect at least 30% of land and seas by 2030 (nearly 70 member countries to date).
  • Launching the Great Green Wall Accelerator, a dozen governments and multilateral institutions pledged to mobilize nearly $16 billion in international funding to green the Sahel, giving new impetus to this African initiative that aims to restore 100 million hectares of degraded land, sequester 250 million tons of carbon and create 10 million jobs by 2030.
  • As part of HRH the Prince of Wales' Sustainable Markets Initiative, the three founding members of the Natural Capital Investment Alliance have pledged to rally new players for a $10 billion global investment in natural capital by 2022.
  • The PREZODE (PREventing ZOonotic Diseases Emergence) initiative is already mobilizing more than 400 researchers and experts in human, animal and environmental health to lay the groundwork for unprecedented international cooperation in preventing new pandemics from animal reservoirs.

Tangible impact for local communities  

  • The OPS initiatives serve to improve, in a very tangible way, the living conditions of those who benefit from them, especially in developing countries.
  • The Land Degradation Neutrality initiative has already prevented the emission of 12 million tons of CO2, by restoring 80,000 hectares of agricultural land. It also improves local farmers’ living conditions. For example, the Komaza program in Kenya helps smallholder farmers develop sustainable micro-forestry businesses, helping regenerate animal and plant life, while providing them with an income.
  • DeSIRA’s applied research programme funds the work of more than 3,000 researchers on the ground, accelerating the transition of agriculture and food systems in 75 countries. Artemia, a project in Bangladesh, is creating a circular economy for salt production and marine aquaculture. Brine shrimp, the staple food for marine aquaculture species, are now being grown endemically in salt pans, generating additional income for smallholders throughout the year.
  • The KIWA program helps implement nature-based solutions in response to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity degradation in Pacific countries and territories. It contributes to the restoration of ecosystems through a number of concrete projects, from waste management to protect coral reefs to the fight against invasive species that destabilize fragile island ecosystems and cause loss of income for farmers and fishermen.